29. January 2024

How to filter anything in Elementor?

This is a quick instruction on how you can filter anything you want in Elementor.

It shows you how you can create a:

  • Filterable portfolio with own modules
  • Filterable video gallery
  • Filterable gallery
  • How you can filter every Elementor element.

1. Download the plugin

The first step is to download the Elementor Filter plugin here: Download

2. Upload and activate the plugin

In your WordPress dashboard, you click on Plugins → Add New → Upload Plugin and choose the elementorfilter.zip file. Afterwards you go to Installed Plugins and activate it.

3. Create or open a page with Elementor

If you already have a page, with a layout that you want to filter, you can open that. Otherwise, create a new page and open it with Elementor.

4. Create a section with buttons

Create a section for the filter buttons.

elementor filter buttons

5. Add classes to button

Open the button settings and add the ef-button class to each button module. You also add efc-CATEGORY for each category you want to filter.

If you don’t add any efc-CATEGORY class, then all elements will be shown.

ef button class buttons

6. Create another section and add class

Create a new section for the filterable elements and add the ef-area class to it.

section settings team

7. Create elements you want to filter

Create rows and add your modules you want to filter into the columns.

Only the columns will be filtered, so make sure to add one filter element into one column.

8. Add classes to columns

Open the row settings and then click on the gear icon to access the column settings.

Here you add the efc-CATEGORY class, that you want the element in that column to show up for.

column settngs class

Now everything is set up. If you now click a button e.g. with efc-CATEGORY1 then only columns, with this class will be shown. All others will be hidden.

I hope you find this helpful. If you want to read my review for Elementor click here.

Disclosure: Some of my posts contain ‘affiliate links.’ This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.

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1 year ago

Where add efc-CATEGORY for each category you want to filter in the button? If in the ID Class already appears ef-button

1 year ago

Unfortunately the plugin breaks the Elementor page as the complete page becomes white. Probably has to do with Elementor 3.8.1

1 year ago
Reply to  Daniel

Hey, I used it and it worked fine but suddenly after updating all pages stayed white. So once I deactivated it, everything was back to good. Unfortuntely I have no URL with it at the moment. But might be some combination with a different plugin

Kay Nijhuis
Kay Nijhuis
1 year ago

Hi there, I’ve also send you an e-mail. I can’t get the plugin to work. It just doesn’t work. Not manually and also not via the template. See following URL’s where i tried multiple approaches. I’m using the paid version of the Elementor Filter Plugin.


Thanks in advance

1 year ago

Sorry but this is not working on Elementor, I followed your instructions, but the buttons don’t filter. You click on them, nothing happens. Please have a look: https://www.youinabruzzo.com/filtertest/

Chris Lutke
Chris Lutke
1 year ago

Hey Daniel, love the tool. Just that I am trying to filter posts by year. The first column is filtered fine. The next ones seem to loose some CSS. Any chance you know why?

1 year ago

Willing to upgrade to Premium, but we’re a bit confused by the Documentation’s terminology of “inner columns” and “rows”.
Elementor gives settings in the following hierarchy: Section -> Column -> Inner Section -> Inner Column
We define this way without success:
Section [ef-area] -> Column [-] -> Inner Section [-] -> Inner Column [efc-CAT1] = results in no show
Section [ef-area ef-inner] -> Column [-] -> Inner Section [-] -> Inner Column [efc-CAT1] = results in no show

Tried various other interpretations without success. Filtering a simple column works.

1 year ago

its very useful plugin can we filter elementor posts widget displaying posts from multiple categories using this plugin?

1 year ago

Hey the Inner Sections Filter doesn’t seem to work. On click on a button it hides everything and then stops working.
Do I get this right:
• seperate Section with buttons (with ef-button and efc-whatever)
• then the section (with ef-area and ef-inner-sections), inside of that is a column with multiple inner sections (that have efc-whatever in it).

Seems straight forward to me, but doesn’t seem to add up.

Help would be greatly appreciated!

1 year ago

Hey there,
Thanks for developing plugins that help WordPress and Elementor users.
However, this does not work for me,I followed the steps you described and nothing happens :/
Could you help please ?

9 months ago

Thanks. It worked perfect!

Last edited 9 months ago by Panos
Edin Ibrahimi
Edin Ibrahimi
6 months ago

Does the plugin work with elementors flex box, containers instead of columns?

4 months ago

Hi your website says filter for containers is coming soon. When will it be ready and do i have to download premium for it to work? https://elemdocs.danielvoelk.de/gettings-started/filter-containers-premium

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